62d Pennsylvania Volunteers

Company B: McKee Rifle Cadets (Allegheny County)

62d Pennsylvania Monument at Gettysburg

Company Roster


'But who among the private soldiers is named? Have the dead been mentioned except in numbers? Have the cripples been referred to except in the aggregate? Yet it was the rank and file that stood the shock of battle and that gave blow for blow. It was the columns of soldiers that charged the enemy or stood like a rock against fierce assaults. Does history do more with the name of the private soldier than bundle it up with a thousand others and call the combination a regiment?' -- Captain W. J. Patterson, 62d Pennsylvania Infantry Regiment"

[Go to Commissioned and Non-Commissioned Officers and Musicians]


Remarks (All mustered in on 22 July 1861, except where noted.)

Thomas Ackerman

Not on muster-out roll

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866 [under Ackerman, Thos]: Age at Enrollment: 24; Occupation: Glass Blower; Residence: Birmingham, Pa..; Hair: Brown; Eyes: Blue; Complexion: Light; Height: 5' 3 1/2" Remarks: Deserted at Birmingham, Pa. (date unknown) Rolls show first name as Peter

Samuel J. Alexander

Not on muster-out roll

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: Age at Enrollment: 28; Occupation: Nailer; Residence: Birmingham, Pa.; Hair: Red; Eyes: Hazel; Complexion: Light; Height: 5' 8 1/2 " Remarks: Sent to hospital at Philadelphia.

Samuel Alexander's Correspondence is a collection kept at the US Army Military Institute, Carlisle, Pa. I have not seen the originals nor transcripts, but they have been quoted by several sources including For Cause and Comrades: Why Men Fought in the Civil War, by James M. McPherson (Oxford, 1997) and William C. Davis's book Lincoln's Men (Free Press, 2000).

McPherson quotes this line from a letter to his wife Agnes very early in the war : "It ought to be a consolation to know that you have a Husband that is man enough to fight for his Country." -- Samuel J Alexander to Agnes Alexand, 1 September 1861. McPherson also quotes him to provide some insight on how soldiers perceived illness and disability: "if I had of Staid behind I would have been called a coward." He later regretted this decision, McPherson explaines, because he became seriously ill and did not recover for weeks just because "my foolish Pride kept me in the ranks." -- Samuel J Alexander to his mother, 3 May 1862.

William C. Davis in his book Lincoln's Men (Free Press, 2000) quotes Samuel Alexander quotes him from a letter dated 23 November 1861 after seeing the President in person, noting that Lincoln looked "well and hearty but not very Pritty."

George Beher

Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, 3 Ocober 1861.

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: Age at Enrollment: 28; Occupation: Glass Blower; Residence: Birmingham, Pa.; Hair: Brown; Eyes: Gray; Complexion: Light; Height: 5' 7" Remarks: Dis. for disability

Died 13 Mar 1909. Buried in South Side Cemetery

Recorded as George Behers in cemetery.

Jacob Berklebaugh

Absent, in hospital, at muster-out

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: Age at Enrollment: 34; Occupation: Glass Blower; Residence: Birmingham, Pa.; Hair: Brown; Eyes: Grey; Complexion: Light; Height: 5' 7 1/2" Remarks: Rolls show last name as Brakelbach, Beachelbaugh, and Beakelbach.

Daniel Borrett

Killed at Fredericksburg, 13 December 1862.

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: Age at Enrollment: 25; Occupation: Boat Builder; Residence: Birmingham, Pa.; Hair: Brown; Eyes: Hazel; Complexion: Dark; Height: 5' 9 1/2" Remarks: (A. R. shows last name as Barrett)

William Borrett

Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, December 1862

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866 [under Barrett, William]: Age at Enrollment: 19; Occupation: Rolling Mill Man; Residence: Birmingham, Pa.; Hair: Brown; Eyes: Hazel; Complexion: Dark; Height: 5' 5"

Joseph P Brubaker

Not on muster-out roll

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: Age at Enrollment: 20; Occupation: Farmer; Residence: Birmingham, Pa.; Hair: Brown; Eyes: Blue; Complexion: Light; Height: 5' 6"

James Bryant

Discharged for wounds received at Gaines Mill, 27 June 1862.

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: Age at Enrollment: 27; Occupation: Puddler; Residence: Birmingham, Pa.; Hair: Sandy; Eyes: Grey; Complexion: Light; Height: 5' 4 1/2" Remarks: Rolls show name as Bryant, S. J.

James D. Campbell

Mustered out with company, 13 July 1864.

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: Age at Enrollment: 32; Occupation: Glass Blower; Residence: Birmingham, Pa.; Hair: Dark; Eyes: Grey; Complexion: Dark; Height: 5' 8" Remarks: Rolls show middle enitial [sic] as G.

After the war, he signed up for three years service in the regular army. The oldest child (of ten) of an Irish immigrant window glass maker and business owner, he died unmarried. The father was an active Democrat and director of a Catholic orphan asylum, so it may be likely that the son was a Democrat and a Catholic as well.

John Comp

Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, 28 January 1863

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: Age at Enrollment: 29; Occupation: Glass Blower; Residence: Birmingham, Pa.; Hair: Brown; Eyes: Hazel; Complexion: Light; Height: 5' 8" Remarks: Rolls show last name as Camp.

From Rick Kilby, husband of a descendant of John Comp, who has seen John Comp's full Civil War file: John was discharged at Camp 'News' (or Mews), Falmouth, Stafford, Virginia, after several months of medical care. He had chronic diarrhea which doctors believed was from either TB or hepatitis. John never recovered from the disease and suffered considerably until his untimely death, 26 Dec 1888, in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

John continued his trade as glass blower after his discharge at the Keystone Glass Works in Pittsburgh. He moved westward with several other glass blowers until he ended up in Milwaukee. In the early 1880s, he finally petitioned the government for a pension, and had many friends submit affidavits in his behalf to prove that he was unfit to work. The pension was finally awarded and he died a short time after.

His great grandson, Irv Comp, became a professional football player for the Green Bay Packers 1943-1949, and was inducted into the Green Bay Packer Hall of Fame.

The family still spells the name, "Comp."

Charles Dittmere

Mustered out with company, 13 July 1864.

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: Age: 18; Occupation: Laborer; Residence: Birmingham, Pa.; Hair: Brown; Eyes: Blue; Complexion: Light; Height: 5'4 1/2"

Charles and Conrad were listed in the 1860 Census for Birmingham as the Pennyslvania born sons of Conrad Detmore, a cabinet maker from Hanover, Germany. According to the census, Charles was 16 but Conrad was only 5 years old the year before they mustered into the 62d.

John Dougherty

Mustered out with company, 13 July 1864.

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: Age at Enrollment: 36; Occupation: Miner; Residence: Birmingham, Pa.; Hair: Gray; Eyes: Gray; Complexion: Light; Height: 5'10"; Remarks: Died in Hosp. 10-3-61. Rolls show last name as Downes.

Samuel Downs

Died before first battle, of illness, 3 October 1861

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: Age at Enrollment: 24; Occupation: Nailor; Residence: Birmingham, Pa.; Hair: Dark; Eyes: Black; Complexion: Light; Height: 5'8 1/2"

Edward Ensell

Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, 7 January 1862. Re-enlisted with his son Edward Ensell, Jr., in Company G, 14th Pennsylvania Cavalry. Completed his service in Company A, 18 Veteran Res. Corps.

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: Age at Enrollment: 43; Occupation: Glass Blower; Residence: Birmingham, Pa.; Hair: Grey; Eyes: Brown; Complexion: Light; Height: 5'8 1/2"

Married Mary J. Ensell. Died in 1895.

Evan Evans

Absent, in hospital, at muster-out.

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: Age at Enrollment: 19; Occupation: Miner; Residence: Birmingham, Pa.; Hair: Light; Eyes: Brown; Complexion: Light; Height: 5'8 1/2"

Brother of Reese W. Evans. Born in Wales on18 October 1842 . Never married. Died on 30 June 1879.

Buried in unmarked grave, Anne Ashley cemetery, Munhall, Pa.

Reese W. Evans

Captured at Spottsylvania Court House; Prisoner from 12 May 1864 to 10 December 1864. Held at at Andersonville (and survived). Discharged 23 February 1865, to date 16 December 1864.

Brother of Evan Evans. Born in Wales.

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: Age at Enrollment: 22; Occupation: Miner; Residence: Birmingham, Pa.; Hair: Brown; Eyes: Grey; Complexion: Light; Height: 5'8 1/2"

From the Pittsburgh Daily Dispatch Page 5, Tuesday Nov. 9, 1909:

  "Policeman Reese Evans, aged 70, a member of the park 
police force of Northside, and a veteran of the Civil War,
died early yesterday morning at the home of his daughter,
Mrs John Stewart, 1340 Hopkins St. Northside, of paralysis,
which he suffered four days ago. He was born in Mercer, South
Wales, and was brought to this country by his parents when 3
years old. The family settled in Mckeesport. When the Civil
War broke out Mr. Evans enlisted in Co. B, Sixty-Second
Regiment, Pennsylvania Volunteers, recruited here by Colonel
Samuel Black. At the Battle of the Wilderness he was captured
and sent to Andersonville prison, where he was confined for 11
months. At the close of the war Mr. Evans returned to McKeesport;
where he married Miss Mary Ann Morgan in 1867. Later, he and his
bride moved to the Northside. Mrs Evans died seven years ago.
Previous to becoming a member of the Northside Park Police force,
Mr. Evans was for 28 years harbor master for a coal company.
He was a member of Post 88, G.A.R.; Union Veteran Legion No. 1,
Allegheny Commandery, Knight Templar; Monongahela Lodge No. 269;
F. and A.M.; and German Lodge of Odd Fellows No. 64. Funeral
services will take place at the family home this evening at 8:30
o'clock. Interment will be made tomorrow in Homestead Cemetery.
Two daughters, Mrs. Stewart and Mrs. Edwin Alston and a son
Charles Evans of the Northside, survive."
From the Pittsburgh Press, Page 13, Mon, 8 Nov., 1909:
  "EVANS-At 5 o'clock a.m., Reese W. Evans, died of acute 
meningitis in his 71st year, at his family home, 1340 Hopkins
St., Allegheny. He was a member of Post 88, G.A.R., having
served during the civil war in Co. B, Sixty-Second Pennsylvania
volunteers: also member of Monongahela Lodge No. 269, F. & A. M.,
Alleheny chapter and Allegheny commandery of K. T., and Veteran
Legion No. 1., Lodge Odd Fellows Gomer No. 64. Services by G.A.R.
Tuesday evening at 8:30 o'clock at his late home. Funeral Wed.
at 10 o'clock. Burial in Homestead Cemetery, Wed. afternoon."

Listing in the 1880 Census indicates Reese Evans was born in Wales in 1840. In 1880 he was then living in Allegheny City and working as a River man. His wife, aged 36, also born in Wales, was Mary A., and their four children were Mary, 13, David, 11, Charles, 4, and Annie, 6/12. All children were born in Pennsylvania.

Filed for an invalid pension on 13 September 1898.

Thanks to Tom and Marjie Evans for the obituary texts and other biographical information about the Evans brothers.

Oliver G. Fleming

Mustered in on 6 November 1861 at Monroe Hill, Va.; Transferred to Company B, 155th P.V., 3 July 1864. Discharged 1 November 1864, expiration of term.

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: Age at Enrollment: 28; Occupation: Clerk; Residence: Allegheny Co.; Hair: Brown; Eyes: Gray; Complexion: Dark; Height: 5'

Abednego Foley

Mustered out with company, 13 July 1864.

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: Age at Enrollment: 21; Occupation: Rolling Mill Man; Residence: Birmingham, Pa.; Hair: Brown; Eyes: Gray; Complexion: Light; Height: 5'8". Remarks: Rolls show first name as Benjamin.

Died 19 March 1900. Buried in South Side Cemetery, Allegheny County.

Patrick Gilchrist

Mustered out with company, 13 July 1864.

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: Age at Enrollment: 26; Occupation: Puddler; Residence: Birmingham, Pa.; Hair: Brown; Eyes: Brown; Complexion: Dark; Height: 5'10" Remarks: Wounded 12-13-62 at Fredericksburg.

Thomas Granger

Mustered out with company, 13 July 1864.

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: Age at Enrollment: 18; Occupation: Miner; Residence: Birmingham, Pa.; Hair: Brown; Eyes: Black; Complexion: Light; Height: 5'5"

Died 10 June 1912. Buried in Homestead Cemetery.

John R. Green

Died before first battle, 27 February 1862

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: Age at Enrollment: 35; Occupation: Puddler; Residence: Birmingham, Pa.; Hair: Black; Eyes: Black; Complexion: Dark; Height: 5' 9 1/2" Remarks: Died in Brigade Hosp. 2-27-62 (Buried in Mili. Asy. Cem. D.C. Bates)

Henry Hammersley

Discharged for wounds received at Fredericksburg

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: Age at Enrollment: 19; Occupation: Student; Residence: Birmingham, Pa.; Hair: Dark; Eyes: Grey; Complexion: Light; Height: 5'5 1/4 " Remarks: Wounded at Fredericksburg, Va. Rolls show last name as Hammersley.

Bates shows last name as Hammersly.

From his obituary in the New York Times, Page 13, Mon, 21 August 1919:

  Henry Hammersley, well known in financial and railroad circles and for thirty-four years 
the Treasurer of the New York, Chicago and St. Louis Railroad Company - the Nickel Plate -
died yesterday at his home, 614 West 138th Street.
He was born in Pittsburgh in 1842 and was educated in the University of Western Pennsylvania.
He served in the civil war and afterward began his business career in Evansville and after
being employed there for six years, became Acting Surveyor of the Port. Since 1881 he has
been connected with railroad interests, not retiring until four years ago, at which time he
moved from Cleveland to this city.

1880 census lists him as a bookkeeper in Evansville, Ind., living with wife Matilda and daughter Gracie.

David Harris

Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, date unknown

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: Age at Enrollment: 31; Occupation: Miner; Residence: Birmingham, Pa.; Hair: Brown; Eyes: Brown; Complexion: Dark; Height: 5'6" Remarks: (Disc. on S.C. of D. (date unknown) Bates) Rolls show last name as Haines.

Gotfried Hazelbart

Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, 18 September 1862

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: Age at Enrollment: 31; Occupation: Miner; Residence: Birmingham, Pa.; Hair: Brown; Eyes: Blue; Complexion: Fair; Height: 5'7 1/2" Remarks: Dis. for Disability. Rolls show first name as Gotfried [initial only given in Bates]

Lorenz Heaver

Wounded and captured at Gaines Mill; Died in Richmond, Va., date unknown

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: Age at Enrollment: 20; Occupation: Glass Blower; Residence: Birmingham, Pa.; Hair: Brown; Eyes: Grey; Complexion: Fair; Height: 5'3 1/2" Remarks: (Wounded and prisoner at Gains Mill 6-27-62 died at Richmond, Va. (date unknown) Bates) Rolls show last name as Hever.

Philip Hoerr

Wounded in action, date unknown; Mustered out with company, 13 July 1864.

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: Age at Enrollment: 21; Occupation: Rolling Mill Man; Residence: Birmingham, Pa.; Hair: Dark; Eyes: Black; Complexion: Fair; Height: 5'10" Remarks: (Wounded in action (date unknown) Bates) Rolls show last name as Hare

Henry Hoop

Mustered in on 19 February 1862; Died, date unknown

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: Age at Enrollment: 20; Occupation: Farmer; Residence: Indiana County; Hair: Brown; Eyes: Blue; Complexion: Fair; Height: 5'10"; Remarks: (Died date unknown Bates) No further record available.

John Horn

Mustered out with company, 13 July 1864.

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: Age at Enrollment: 31; Occupation: Caulker; Residence: Birmingham, Pa.; Hair: Dark; Eyes: Gray; Complexion: Dark; Height: 5'6 1/2"

David W. Hutchison

Mustered out with company, 13 July 1864.

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: Age at Enrollment: 20; Occupation: Blacksmith; Residence: Birmingham, Pa.; Hair: Black; Eyes: Grey; Complexion: Dark; Height: 5'9"; Remarks: Rolls show name as Hutchinson and Hutcheson.

Died 12 May 1913. Buried in Anne Ashley cemetery, Munhall, Pa.

Thomas Todd Irwin

Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, date unknown

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: Age at Enrollment: 24; Occupation: Rolling Mill Man; Residence: Birmingham, Pa.; Hair: Light; Eyes: Grey; Complexion: Light; Height: 6'1 1/4"

Bates lists him as Thomas F. Irwin. According to descendant David Reeves, Irwin was born in June 1813, in Londonderry, Ireland. Naturalized in Pittsburgh PA on Sept 18, 1838. He married Catherine H. Seitz, 24 June 1847 in Birmingham. They had many children. The family moved to Martin's Ferry, Ohio in 1873. He died 9 July 1898 in Martin's Ferry, and is buried in Riverview Cemetery.

John Israel

Mustered out with company, 13 July 1864.

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: Age at Enrollment: 21; Occupation: Brick Layer; Residence: Birmingham, Pa.; Hair: Brown; Eyes: Grey; Complexion: Light; Height: 5'9"

Thomas Johnston

Mustered in on 1 February 1864; Not on muster-out roll

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: Age at Enrollment: 18; Occupation: Farmer; Residence: Peters Twp. Washington Cojnty [sic] (Born) New York City; Hair: Light; Eyes: Hazel; Complexion: Fair; Height: 5'2 1/2"; Remarks: No further record available.

Owen Jones

Captured at Gainseville, 27 June 1862, as evidenced by his being listed on register of Prisoners Received at C. S. Prison [Richmond?] on June 27th and 29th, 1862. Mustered out with company, 13 July 1864.

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: Age at Enrollment: 18; Occupation: Glass Man; Residence: Birmingham, Pa.; Hair: Black; Eyes: Brown; Complexion: Light; Height: 5'7"

Richard Jones

Mustered out with company, 13 July 1864.

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: Age at Enrollment: 18; Occupation: Glass Blower; Residence: Birmingham, Pa.; Hair: Light; Eyes: Grey; Complexion: Fair; Height: 5'6"

Ludwick Keefer

Mustered out with company, 13 July 1864.

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: Age at Enrollment: 18; Occupation: Caulker; Residence: Birmingham, Pa.; Hair: Light; Eyes: Gray; Complexion: Light; Height: 5'8 1/2"; Remarks: Rolls show first name as Ledwick.

Oliver McKee Kennedy
portrait of Private Oliver McKee Kennedy

Killed at Fredericksburg

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: Age at Enrollment: 20; Occupation: Miner; Residence: Birmingham, Pa.; Hair: Black; Eyes: Hazel; Complexion: Dark; Height: 5'9"; Remarks: Rolls show middle [sic] name as Oliver.

Kennedy was born in Belmont, Ohio, and was born Oliver McKee Kennedy, Jr. Thanks to Thomas M. Byers for the portrait.

Antone Kerr

Mustered out with company, 13 July 1864.

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: Age at Enrollment: 19; Occupation: Glass Blower; Residence: Birmingham, Pa..; Hair: Black; Eyes: Black; Complexion: Dark; Height: 5'2 1/2"

Samuel Knarr

Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, date unknown

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: Age at Enrollment: 40; Occupation: Farmer; Residence: Lehigh Co., Pa.; Hair: Grey; Eyes: Blue; Complexion: Dark; Height: 5'6"

William W. Knotts

Discharged, date unknown; Re-enlisted19 February 1864

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: [no personal information listed]

Filed for a invalid pension in October 1868. No widow's pension was filed after his death.

William W. Knotts appears to be the great grandfather of actor Don Knotts. Only one William Knotts appears in the 1860 census in Pennsylvania of an age to have been a volunteer. According to the census William Knotts was born in 1828, married to Ruth, and had five children. This information matches that found in the genealogy for Don Knotts found at Genealogy.com for the fourth generation in his family tree. No middle name or initial is included, but failure to include middle names or initials by census takers was common back then. The fact that there was no widow's pension filed after William W. Knotts died in 1908 actually gives support to the argument that William W. Knotts could be Don's great grandfater, since Ruth Knotts died before her husband William. Without more conclusive evidence, unfortunately, we won't know for sure. Thanks to Dennis Brooke for informing me of the possible link.

Ernest G Krehan

Promoted to Hospital Steward, 5 August 1861

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: Age at Enrollment: 24; Occupation: Druggist; Residence: Allegheny County; Hair: Light; Eyes: Blue; Complexion: Light; Height: 5'6"; Remarks: Rolls spell last name Kreghan.

Adam Kunkle

Wounded at Gettysburg; Mustered out with company, 13 July 1864.

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: Age at Enrollment: 18; Occupation: Glass Man; Residence: Birmingham, Pa.; Hair: Light; Eyes: Blue; Complexion: Fair; Height: 5'5 1/2"

Kunkle's wound at Gettysburg was the result of a musketball entering his upper leg/thigh area.

Adam Kunkle and Corporal August Pfegher, also of Company B, were step brothers. Both were born in Germany. August's father Bernard Pfleghar emigrated from Württemberg with his children and Adam's mother Margaret Kunkel emigrated from Bavaria with her children and possibly her first husband. They met and married after they had settled in the Pittsburgh area.

Francis A. Laner

Paroled prisoner; absent at muster-out

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: Age at Enrollment: 18; Occupation: Glass Blower; Residence: Birmingham, Pa.; Hair: Light; Eyes: Gray; Complexion: Light; Height: 5'7"; Remarks: Rolls show last name as Lauer.

Charles Larkin

Killed at Spottsylvania Court House, 12 May 1864

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: Age at Enrollment: 22; Occupation: Puddler; Residence: Birmingham, Pa.; Hair: Dark; Eyes: Gray; Complexion: Light; Height: 6'1"

G. W. T. Levake

Died December 1862

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: Age at Enrollment: 19; Occupation: Puddler; Residence: Birmingham, Pa.; Hair: Brown; Eyes: Blue; Complexion: Light; Height: 5'6"; Remarks: Rolls show last name as Levaike, George W. F.

James Little

Mustered out with company, 13 July 1864.

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: Age at Enrollment: 21; Occupation: Caulker; Residence: Birmingham, Pa.; Hair: Red; Eyes: Blue; Complexion: Light; Height: 5'7"

John McCullough

Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, date unknown

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: Age at Enrollment: 47; Occupation: Miner; Residence: Birmingham, Pa.; Hair: Dark; Eyes: Blue; Complexion: Dark; Height: 5'4 1/2"; Remarks: Rolls show last name as McCuley.

John T. McCurry

Discharged for wounds received at Fredericksburg, 13 December 1862.

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: Age at Enrollment: 29; Occupation: Boatman; Residence: Birmingham, Pa.; Hair: Dark; Eyes: Grey; Complexion: Light; Height: 5'6 1/2"

M. H. McLaughlin

Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, date unknown

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: Age at Enrollment: 18; Occupation: Boat Builder; Residence: Birmingham, Pa.; Hair: Dark; Eyes: Blue; Complexion: Light; Height: 5'6"

Alex McQuade

Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, 10 March 1862

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: Age at Enrollment: 29; Occupation: Glass Blower; Residence: Birmingham, Pa.; Hair: Light; Eyes: Gray; Complexion: Light; Height: 5'8 1/2"; Remarks: Dis. for disability; Rolls show last name a McQuaid.

William Mankidick

Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, date unknown

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: Age at Enrollment: 29; Occupation: Merchant; Residence: Birmingham, Pa.; Hair: Black; Eyes: Blue; Complexion: Fair; Height: 5'9 1/2"; Remarks: Rolls spell las name as Mankedick.

1860 Census lists two large Mankedick families in East Birmingham, all but the youngest of whom were born in Prussia.

Christian Moleter

Wounded at Fredericksburg. Died 31 May 1864; Buried in National Cemetery, Arlington

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866 [under Moleter, Christopher]:Age at Enrollment: 21; Occupation: Glass Blower; Residence: Birmingham, Pa.; Hair: Dark; Eyes: Gray; Complexion: Fair; Height: 5'4 1/2" 3 [sic] ; Remarks: Wounded at Fredericksburg, Va. 12-13-64. Rolls show last name as Moletor.

John Montgomery

Killed at Gaines Mill

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: Age at Enrollment: 18; Occupation: Rolling Mill Man; Residence: Birmingham, Pa.; Hair: Red; Eyes: Grey; Complexion: Fair; Height: 5'7"

William F. Morgan

Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, 25 March 1863 [Bates indicates date unknown]. Mustered in as private, Independent Battery H (John I. Nevin's Battery), on 13 August 1864, and mustered out with Battery, June 18, 1865.

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: Age at Enrollment: 18; Occupation: Box maker; Residence: Birmingham, Pa.; Hair: Light; Eyes: Blue; Complexion: Fair; Height: 5'6 1/2"

Some pioneers of Washington County, Pa. : a family history. New Brighton, Pa.: Reader & Son, 1902, indicates that Morgan reenlisted in August 1863 in a Pennsylvania battery of light artillery, for which he served until the end of the war. He was on duty in Washington, DC, when Lincoln was assassinated, and served as one of the guards of honor that accompanied the remains from the White House to the Capitol, where they lay in state. After the war, he was a glass cutter, until 1889 when he moved to Belle Vernon and embarked in a mercantile business.

Died 11 September 1912, according to Proceedings of the 47th Annual Encampment of the Department of Pennsylvania Grand Army of the Republic (Gettysburg, 1913).

Leonard Moritz

Mustered out with company, 13 July 1864.

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: Age at Enrollment: 20; Occupation: Glass Blower; Residence: Birmingham, Pa.; Hair: Black; Eyes: Black; Complexion: Black; Height: 5'6"; Remarks:

Arthur Noble

Mustered out with company, 13 July 1864.

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: Age at Enrollment: 20; Occupation: Roller; Residence: Birmingham, Pa.; Hair: Light; Eyes: Blue; Complexion: Light; Height: 5'8"

James Onslow

Discharged, December 1862

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: Age at Enrollment: 32; Occupation: Printer; Residence: Pittsburgh, Pa.; Hair: Brown; Eyes: Gray; Complexion: Fair; Height: 5'6 1/2"; Remarks: Detailed to Qr. M. Dept. as Express Agt.

1870 Census indicates Onslow was born in Ireland.

An article in the 4 July 1862 Pittsburgh Gazette reports that "Mr. James Onslow, of Col. Black's Regiment, arrived in this city to-day, in the noon train" and provided information concerning the death of the colonel. No reason is given for Onslow's departure, but the article states that "Mr. Onslow left his regiment on Sunday, at twelve o'clock, after it had crossed the White Oak Swamp, and before it had reached the James River. He was so much exhausted from want of sleep, and fatigued by travel, that he could not give any detailed statement at this time."

Martin Pipher

Mustered out with company, 13 July 1864.

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: Age at Enrollment: 23; Occupation: Nailer; Residence: Birmington, Pa.; Hair: Brown; Eyes: Brown; Complexion: Dark; Height: 5'11"; Remarks: Wounded at Fredericksburg, Va. 12-13-62

Martin Race

Mustered out with company, 13 July 1864.

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: Age at Enrollment: 23; Occupation: Glass Man; Residence: Birmington, Pa.; Hair: Brown; Eyes: Blue; Complexion: Dark; Height: 5'7"

Caspar Rodenbaugh

Mustered out with company, 13 July 1864.

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: Age at Enrollment: 23; Occupation: Glass Blower; Residence: Birmington, Pa.; Hair: Light; Eyes: Brown; Complexion: Dark; Height: 5'7"; Remarks: Also served Co. K 97 I MI 11-21-64. Pro to Corp 6-1-65 MO 8-25-65

Listed in Bates as C Rodenbaugh.

John H. Salisbury

Mustered out with company, 13 July 1864.

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: Age at Enrollment: 23; Occupation: Glass Blower; Residence: Birmingham, Pa.; Hair: Black; Eyes: Gray; Complexion: Fair; Height: 5'8".

Francis Sankey

Killed at Gaines Mill. Reported "Missing at Gaines Mill" by Bates.

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: Age at Enrollment: 20; Occupation: Brick Maker; Residence: Birmingham, Pa.; Hair: Black; Eyes: Hazel; Complexion: Dark; Height: 5'4"; Remarks: (Missing at Gaines Mill, Va. Bates)

Francis and Matthew Sankey were brothers. Their father was the manager of a coal mine owned by Jones and Laughlin.

Matthew Sankey

Died of illness at Hall's Hill, 1861, specific date unknown.

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: Age at Enrollment: 21; Occupation: Brick Maker; Residence: Birmingham, Pa.; Hair: Brown; Eyes: Blue; Complexion: Light; Height: 5'8 1/2"; Remarks: Died in Hosp. Holl Hill, Va. (date unknown)

Francis and Matthew Sankey were brothers. Their father was the manager of a coal mine owned by Jones and Laughlin.

Henry Schmink

Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, date unknown.

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: Age at Enrollment: 35; Occupation: Miner; Residence: Birmingham, Pa.; Hair: Light; Eyes: Blue; Complexion: Dark; Height: 5'6"; Remarks: (Disc. on S.C. of D. (date unknown) Bates). Rolls spell last name as Schwink.

John Shuman

Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, date unknown

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: Age at Enrollment: 26; Occupation: Glass Presser; Residence: Birmingham, Pa.; Hair: Black; Eyes: Gray; Complexion: Light; Height: 5'6"; Remarks: (Disc. on S.C. of D. (date unknown) Bates)

Shuman's wife Matilda filed for a widow's pension in October 1899.

Albert Smith

Mustered out with company, 13 July 1864.

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: Age at Enrollment: 18; Occupation: Laborer; Residence: Birmingham, Pa.; Hair: Light; Eyes: Blue; Complexion: Dark; Height: 5'6"

George Snyder

Discharged by order of War Department -- minor.

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: Age at Enrollment: 18; Occupation: Glass Blower; Residence: Birmingham, Pa.; Hair: Brown; Eyes: Brown; Complexion: Dark; Height: 5'8"; Remarks: Dis. (date unknown) Minor, by O. of W.D.

In the 1860 Census, Jacob is listed as 18 and George as 15 in a family in Birmingham. The father and mother were both born in Bavaria and six children were born in Pennsylvania. The father and the four boys aged 20 to 14 were all listed as laborers. My speculation was that after Jacob died, his parents petitioned to have their remaining underaged son returned home. It is possible that George mustered in to Company G of the 87th P.V. Infantry on 7 February 1865. His correct age of 20 is now listed and the height and other personal details match. His occupation was then listed as plasterer.

Jacob Snyder

Died before first battle, 18 October 1861

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: Age at Enrollment: 20; Occupation: Glass Blower; Residence: Birmingham, Pa.; Hair: Brown; Eyes: Black; Complexion: Light; Height: 5'7"; Remarks: Died in Hosp. 10-8-61

In the 1860 Census, Jacob is listed as 18 and George as 15 in a family in Birmingham. The father and mother were both born in Bavaria and six children were born in Pennsylvania. The father and the four boys aged 20 to 14 were all listed as laborers. My speculation was that after Jacob died, his parents petitioned to have their remaining underaged son returned home.

John Spellman

Mustered out with company, 13 July 1864.

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: Age at Enrollment: 28; Residence: Birmingham, Pa. Occupation: Shoemaker; Hair: Brown; Eyes: Grey; Complexion: Light; Height: 5'4": Remarks: Ledger spells last name as Shellman, George

William Stickaun

Captured at Gainseville, 27 June 1862, as evidenced by "Steckaul (?), W." being listed on register of Prisoners Received at C. S. Prison [Richmond?] on June 27th and 29th, 1862. Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, date unknown

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: Age at Enrollment: 32; Residence: Birmingham, Pa. Occupation: Laborer; Hair: Brown; Eyes: Blue; Complexion: Light; Height: 5'5": Remarks: Rolls show last name as Shekaun, Wm.

James E. Unks

Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, 5 June 1862.

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: Age at Enrollment: 27; Residence: Birmingham, Pa. Occupation: Glass Blower; Hair: Brown; Eyes: Black; Complexion: Dark; Height: 6'1 1/2": Remarks: Dis. for disability.

Filed for invalid pension from state of Indiana in 1881. A record in the U.S. National Homes for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers, 1866-1938 states that James E. Unks was discharged 7 June 1862 because of a mitral insufficiency, quincy, arterial sclerosis, [something else], and inguinal hernia. He died 15 April 1907 in Marion, Indiana.

Bates lists his rank as Private, but the record in the U.S. National Homes for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers, 1866-1938, lists his rank as Corporal.

Nephew of George Unks from Company L, according to indirect descendent Walt Unks. Thanks, Walt, for all the additional information you have provided about the Unks volunteers.

J. M. Upperman

Mustered out with company, 13 July 1864.

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: Age at Enrollment: 19; Residence: Birmingham, Pa. Occupation: Fisherman; Hair: Black; Eyes: Black; Complexion: Dark; Height: 5'3 1/2": Remarks: Rolls show first name as John

Thomas Vaughn

Mustered out with company, 13 July 1864.

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: Age at Enrollment: 24; Residence: Birmingham, Pa. Occupation: Farmer; Hair: Black; Eyes: Blue; Complexion: Dark; Height: 6'

William Verner

Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, 7 January 1862.

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: Age at Enrollment: 45; Occupation: Glass Blower; Residence: Birmingham, Pa.; Hair: Black; Eyes: Black; Complexion: Dark; Height: 5'6"

Mustered in as Musician according to "United States National Archives. Civil War Service Records [database on-line]

John Wagner

Captured at The Wilderness. Died at Annapolis, Md., 19 March 1865

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: Age at Enrollment: 23; Residence: Birmingham, Pa. Occupation: Glass Blower; Hair: Dark; Eyes: Black; Complexion: Light; Height: 5'9": Remarks: (Captured at Wilderness 5-9-64 Died at Annapolis Md. 3-19-65 Bates)

Leonard Weidner

Mustered out with company, 13 July 1864.

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: Age at Enrollment: 43; Residence: Birmingham, Pa. Occupation: Laborer; Hair: Dark; Eyes: Brown; Complexion: Light; Height: 5'6":

Elias Williams

Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, date unknown.

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: Age at Enrollment: 40; Residence: Birmingham, Pa. Occupation: Miner; Hair: Dark; Eyes: Black; Complexion: Dark; Height: 5'5": Remarks: (Disc. on S.C. of D. (date unknown) Bates)

George Williams

Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, date unknown.

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: Age at Enrollment: 22; Residence: Birmingham, Pa. Occupation: Glass Blower; Hair: Red; Eyes: Gray; Complexion: Light; Height: 5'9 1/2": Remarks: (Disc. on S.C. of D. (date unknown) Bates)

John E. Williams

Wounded and captured at The Wilderness

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: Age at Enrollment: 26; Residence: Birmingham, Pa. Occupation: Machinist; Hair: Gray; Eyes: Gray; Complexion: Fair; Height: 5'3 1/2": Remarks:Pro. to Corp. 12-16-61. (Wounded and captured at Wilderness 5-5-64 Bates)

Joseph Wilson

Absent, on detached duty, at muster-out

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: Age at Enrollment: 23; Occupation: Blacksmith; Residence: Birmingham, Pa.; Hair: Brown; Eyes: Blue; Complexion: Light; Height: 5'4"; Remarks: Detailed in the Brigade as Blacksmith (absent on detached duty at M. O. Rolls spell last name as Willson.

Joseph Willson mustered in as Musician according to "United States National Archives. Civil War Service Records [database on-line]

Frederick Winkle

Killed at Gaines Mill, 27 June 1862.

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: Age at Enrollment: 19; Occupation: Glass Blower; Residence: Birmingham, Pa.; Hair: Sandy; Eyes: Blue; Complexion: Light; Height: 5' 6 1/2"

Mustered in as Drummer according to "United States National Archives. Civil War Service Records [database on-line]

Matthias Zeigler

Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, date unknown

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: Age at Enrollment: 28; Occupation: Miner; Residence: Birmingham, Pa.; Hair: Brown; Eyes: Blue; Complexion: Light; Height: 5' 6 Remarks: Rolls spell first name as Mathias.

Not on muster-out roll indicates fate had not been determined at the close of the war, at which time these rolls were made out. Those who died before first battle probably were victims of typhoid fever that became rampant during the fall and winter of 1861/62 while the regiment was stationed at Minor's Hill, Va.

The Veteran Reserve Corps, originally called the Invalid Corps, was the military body to which soldiers were transferred when they were not healthy enough to be sent back to their original unit, but not sick or disabled enough to be sent home.


Bates, Samuel Penniman. History of Pennsylvania Volunteers, 1861-5. Volume III & VIII. Harrisburg: B. Singerly, state printer, 1869-71. -- available online through University of Michigan's Making of America series.

Under the Maltese cross, Antietam to Appomattox, the Loyal Uprising in Western Pennsylvania, 1861-1865; Campaigns 155th Pennsylvania Regiment, Narrated by the Rank and File. Pittsburg: The 155th Regimental Association, 1910.

Information about burials in Anne Ashley cemetery, Munhall, Pa. is courtesy of researchers John and Linda Asmonga.

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This page authored and maintained by John R. Henderson jhenderson @ icyousee . org.
Last modified: 24 April 2014
URL: http://www.icyousee.org/pa62d/bp.html