62d Pennsylvania Volunteers

Company F:
Eighth Ward Guards, A

62d  Pennsylvania Monument at Gettysburg

Company Roster


[Go to Commissioned and Non-Commissioned Officers  and Musicians]

'But who among the private soldiers is named? Have the dead been mentioned except in numbers? Have the cripples been referred to except in the aggregate? Yet it was the rank and file that stood the shock of battle and that gave blow for blow. It was the columns of soldiers that charged the enemy or stood like a rock against fierce assaults. Does history do more with the name of the private soldier than bundle it up with a thousand others and call the combination a regiment?' -- Captain W. J. Patterson, 62d Pennsylvania Infantry Regiment



Peter McCarty Abbott

Mustered in 4 July 1861 originally with Company F. Transferred to Company M on 1 November 1861.

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: Age at Enrollment: 19; Occupation: Boatman; Residence: Beaver Co.; Hair: Dark; Eyes: [blank] Complexion: Dark; Height: 5'9". Remarks [from card for K-91 I]: Enlisted in Co. F. 62 P.V. Trans. to Co. M. 11-1-62. Trans. to Co. K. 92st P.V. 7-20-64. Dishonorable discharge.

According to a descendent, Abbott was wounded at Fredericksburg 13 December 1862 and suffered from malaria at Petersburg.

Court-martialed for being absent without leave from 16 June to 16 July 1864. Before his General Court Martial, he testified: "I left with the Companies "L" & "M" for City Point July 19th in the afternoon Capt Murry gave me a pass to visit my father at Corps Hospital to return by 9 A.M. 20th Stating that the boat would not leave before that time. on my return at 9 A.M. found the boat had left for Washington. went to the Pro Marsl City Point Stated that I was left and he directed me to return to the Regt* was assigned to when my Statement must be made to enable me to get the necessary pass to join my Company at Washington." Found guilty on 2 August 1864. Sentenced to forfeit all pay and allowance from then on and to make good the time lost by serving time in the 91st PA. He was dishonorably discharged on 20 October 1864.

Abbott's father was Squire Abbott, who served as a teamster and private in the 155th P.V. He was 45 when he mustered in. Based on his son's testimony, Squire Abbott was hospitalized following the Battle of Cold Harbor.

According to information found on the 91st P. V. website, Abbot's conviction and dishonorable discharge seem to have been overturned, based on the fact that his wife, Margaret Jane Doyle Abbott, received a pension, and the government paid for his tombstone. He died on 22 October 1890, in West Newton, Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania and was buried in the Salem Church Cemetery in Westmoreland County.

Abbot's granddaughter, Vera Elsie Jones, became president of the GAR and president of the Pennsylvania Department of the GAR.

Thomas Alexander

Discharged on surgeon's certificate, 2 January 1862

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: Age at Enrollment: 20; Occupation: Laborer; Residence: Birmingham, Pa.; Hair: Dark; Eyes: Gray; Complexion: Fair; Height: 5'6 1/2" Remarks: S.C. of D.

Raphael Beiter

Discharged on surgeon's certificate, 3 October 1862.

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: Age at Enrollment: 18; Occupation: Brushmaker; Residence: Birmingham, Pa.; Hair: Light; Eyes: Blue; Complexion: Fair; Height: 5'6" Remarks: Rolls show last name BEITLER.

William Bradley

Mustered out with company, 13 July 1864.

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: Age at Enrollment: 35; Occupation: Shoe Maker; Residence: East Liberty, Pa.; Hair: Dark; Eyes: Blue; Complexion: Dark; Height: 5'8 1/2 "; Remarks: Pr. Wagoner (date unknown).

Died 16 May 1891. Buried in Cleavers Cemetery in Allegheny County.

Mustered in and out as Teamster according to "United States National Archives. Civil War Service Records [database on-line]."

Samuel Brown

Discharged on surgeon's certificate, 17 June 1862.

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: Age at Enrollment: 30; Occupation: Laborer; Residence: Pittsburgh; Hair: Light; Eyes: Blue; Complexion: Fair; Height: 5'8 1/2"

Died 26 Apr 1890. Buried in Allegheny Cemetery, Lawrenceville.

John Burns

Substitute; mustered in 28 August 1863. Transferred to Company G, 155th P. V., date not provided. Deserted 4 May 1864.

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866 [from 155th P.V. card]: Age at Enrollment: 21; Occupation: Farmer; Residence: Canada; Hair: Brown; Eyes: Blue; Complexion: Fair; Height: 5'4"; Mustered in at Meadville.

Henry Byrnes

Killed at Gaines Mill, 27 June 1862

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: Age at Enrollment: 18; Occupation: Brickmaker; Residence: Pittsburgh; Hair: Light; Eyes: Blue; Complexion: Light; Height: 5'5 3/4" Remarks: Rolls show middle initial P.

Thomas Byrnes

Discharged on surgeon's certificate, 1 January 1862

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: Age at Enrollment: 20; Occupation: Druggist; Residence: Pittsburgh; Hair: Dark; Eyes: Blue; Complexion: Light; Height: 5'7"

According to an obituary [paper unknown] from September 1891, Byrne was born in Pittsburgh on 9 March 9 1842 and died at age 49 after being struck by a west-bound Rock Island train while in Davenport, Iowa. He was honorably discharged on account of sickness in 1862, but reenlisted soon afterward as a hospital steward and was stationed at Carver barracks in Washington. During the war he was able to take courses at Georgetown Medical college. He married Jennie Allen in 1863. They had seven children. Upon graduation in 1864, he moved to Walcott, Iowa, where he practiced medicine until the time of his death. So beloved was the doctor in his community, that more than 1000 people walked behind the casket to the grave.

James W. Clark

Deserted from Company D, 123d P. V.; returned and mustered in to Company F on 1 January 1864, to serve 6 months; Mustered out with company, 13 July 1864.

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: Age at Enrollment: 19; Occupation: Butcher; Residence: Butler County; Hair: Dark; Eyes: Dark; Complexion: Dark; Height: 5'6 1/2" Remarks: Enlisted in Company D. 123rd. Reg. Deserted 9-12-62 at Washington, D.C. Returned assigned to Company F. 62nd Regt. 1-1-64 to serve 6 months.

Samuel H. Clark

Discharged on surgeon's certificate, 28 June 1863.

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: Age at Enrollment: 18; Occupation: Tinner; Residence: Allegheny City; Hair: Light; Eyes: Blue; Complexion: Fair; Height: 5'6"

Samuel H. Clark

Substitute; mustered in 28 August 1863; Killed at Wilderness, 5 May 1864; buried in Wilderness burial grounds

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: [no personal information provided.

It is possible, and this is speculation only, based on the dates, that the same individual was discharged because of an injury or for health reasons, but returned as a substitute to the same company after his health improved.

Palmer C. Coates

Deserted from Company D, 123d P. V.; returned and mustered in 5 March 1864, to serve 4 montsh; absent, sick, at muster out.

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: Age at Enrollment: 27; Occupation: Cooper; Residence: Allegheny City; Hair: Dark; Eyes: Blue; Complexion: Dark; Height: 5'10" Remarks: Enlisted in Company D. 123rd. Reg. Deserted 2-15-63 at Washington, D.C. Returned assigned to Company F. 62nd Regt. 3-5-64 to serve 4 months. Absent sick in Hosp. Washington D.C. at M.O.

Joseph Devlin

Died before first battle

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: Age at Enrollment: 18; Occupation: Butcher; Residence: New York City; Hair: Dark; Eyes: Blue; Complexion: Dark; Height: 5'9" Remarks: Died 1-8-62 of disease. (Buried in Natl. Asy. Cem. Washington, D. C.

William Divine

Wounded at Wilderness, 5 May 1864; Mustered out with company, 13 July 1864.

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: Age at Enrollment: 19; Occupation: Carder; Residence: Pittsburgh; Hair: Auburn; Eyes: Blue; Complexion: Light; Height: 5'6" Remarks: Wounded 5-5-64. (At Wilderness. Bates.)

F. M. Donaldson

Mustered out with company, 13 July 1864.

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: Age at Enrollment: 20; Occupation: Blacksmith; Residence: Pittsburgh; Hair: Black; Eyes: Hazel; Complexion: Light; Height: 5'6" Remarks: Rolls show first name as Francis.

William H. Dunn

Killed at Gettysburg 2 July 1863; buried in Gettysburg National Cemetery, section D, Grave 76.

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: Age at Enrollment: 19; Occupation: Farmer; Residence: Allegheny County; Hair: Dark; Eyes: Blue; Complexion: Fair; Height: 5'4 1/2" Remarks: Killed 7-2-63 at Gettysburg, Pa. (Buried in Natl. Cem. Section, D. grave 76. Bates).

Charles D. Ebdy

Mustered out with company, 13 July 1864.

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: Age: 37; Occupation: Bricklayer; Residence: Allegheny Co.; Hair: Fair; Eyes: Light; Complexion: Dark; Height: 5'2 1/2"

Died 29 April 1893. Buried in Homewood Cemetery. Listed as Eddy in cemetery record. Louisia M. Ebdy filed for widow's pension on 22 May 1893.

Levi Ehrenrich

Mustered out with company, 13 July 1864.

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: Age at Enrollment: 24; Occupation: Drover; Residence: Allegheny County; Hair: Black; Eyes: Blue; Complexion: Dark; Height: 5'3" Remarks: Rolls show last name as "EHERNRICH".

John C. Flemon

Substitute; mustered in 31 October 1863; discharged on surgeon's certificate, 19 November 1863.

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: [No personal information provided.]

William H. Fortune

Substitute; mustered in 16 July 1863; deserted 13 April 1864. Transferred to Company G, 155 P.V. Mustered in 16 July 1864. Discharged 18 September 1864.

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: Age: 20; Occupation: Laborer; Residence: Fayette Co.; Hair: Dark; Eyes: Brown; Complexion: Dark; Height: 5'11"; Remarks: Des. at Bealtown, Va. 4/15/64. Chg of des. res. 9/18/65. Letter W.D. A.G.C.5/16/1910.

Henry Freker

Mustered out with company, 13 July 1864.

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: Age at Enrollment: 20; Occupation: Tinner; Residence: Pittsburgh.; Hair: Light; Eyes: Brown; Complexion: Fair; Height: 5'7 1/2 ". Remarks: Rolls show last name as FRECKER.

The Civil War Pension Index indicates that Henry Freker was an alias for Henry Kreker. His widow, Mary A. Kreker filed in 1890 from Illinois. Illinois marriage records list Henry Kreker and Mary Dial marrying in Fayette County, Ill., on 14 October 1872. Just to further confuse things, the 1860 census indicates that Henry Kreker, 19, was living in Pittsburgh's 8th Ward with a family named Freker, presumably his father George and three sisters. His occupation was tanner, not tinner. George was born in Germany, but Henry was born in Pennsylvania.

John G. A. Fries

Mustered in 23 August 1862. Transferred to Company G, 155th P.V., 2 July 1864. Mustered out with regiment 2 June 1865.

Resided in Pittsburgh after the war. Died 11 April 1912. Buried in Minersville Cemetery, Allegheny County.

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: [No personal information included] Remarks: Wounded at Battle of Fredericksburg, Va., 12-13-63.

Died 12 April 1912, according to Proceedings of the 47th Annual Encampment of the Department of Pennsylvania Grand Army of the Republic (Gettysburg, 1913).

Robert Frinifrock

Killed at Gaines Mill, 27 June 1862.

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: Age: 29; Occupation: Wagon Maker; Residence: Pittsburgh, Pa.; Hair: Brown; Eyes: Brown; Complexion: Dark; Height: 5'9"; Remarks: Rolls show last name as "FINNIFROCK".

Charles Garber

Transferred to Company M, but tranferred back to Company F. Mustered out with company, 13 July 1864.

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: Age: 25; Occupation: Riverman; Residence: Pittsburgh, Pa.; Hair: Dark; Eyes: Blue; Complexion: Fair; Height: 5'8"; Remarks: Pr. to Corp. (date unknown). Trans. to Company M. 10-13-61. Re-Trans. to Company F. 62nd P.V. to be M. O.

Died 2 January 1910. Buried in Allegheny Cemetery, Lawrenceville, Pa.

Jacob Garber

Transferred to Company M. Discharged on Surgeon's Certificate of Discharge, date unknown.

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: Age at Enrollment: 38; Occupation: Undertaker; Residence: Pittsburgh, Pa.; [No other personal information provided.]; Remarks: Trans. from Company F. (Discharged on S.C. of D., date unknown. Bates).

Peter Gilner

Absent by sentence of general court martial at muster out. Transferred to Company G, 155th P. V. Discharged by general order 28 January 1865.

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: Age: 18; Occupation: Carter; Residence: Pittsburgh, Pa.; Hair: Dark; Eyes: Grey; Complexion: Dark; Height: 5'4"; Remarks: Discharged by Special Order #355 War Dept. dated 10-19-64. Trans. to Company G, 155th P.V. 1-28-65.

Through the valiant research efforts of Gary Kersey, details of the general court martial and pardon by Abraham Lincoln have come to light. The incident that got Gilner into trouble occurred in September of 1863 near Cedar Creek, near Culpeper, Va. This was the period following Gettysburg when both Lee's and Meade's armies were resting and reorganizing. Except for some minor skirmishes, it was a time of idleness and a great opportunity for idle men to get into trouble. On the night in question, there was an altercation between eight drunken soldiers and two black women. A captain saw the event and rode up to investigate the trouble, and Gilner told him to mind his own business, or he would kill him. Obviously drunk, Gilner then picked up some rocks and threw one which narrowly missed. The captain went and got help. When he returned only Gilner remained. Once again, however, he threatened the officer and threw a stone, this time hitting the captain. Gilner was tried and found guilty and sentenced to death by firing squad. Gilner was accused of going "beyond lines past a Mrs. Brown’s house, then bloodied the mouth and nose of a black lady," but the offense that warrented capital punishment was striking a superior officer. Awaiting execution, Gilner was confined with prisoners who had been found guilty of desertion. Several months later, upon General Meade's recommendation, the deserters' death sentences were commuted to confinement in the prison at Ft. Jefferson in the Dry Tortugas in the Florida Keys. At the same time, some 60 disorderly men from the 2d Maine (made famous by the story of Joshua L. Chamberlain's speech to them when they threatened mutiny instead of joining the 20th Maine just prior to the fighting on the second day at Gettysburg -- made famous by the novel Killer Angels and the epic movie "Gettysburg"). Mistakenly, Gilner was shipped to Florida with these deserters. When it came time for his execution, Gilner could not be found. After the Meade learned that Gilner was no longer in the army, but in prison, steps were taken for him to be returned and executed. Before that happened, a member of Congress from Pittsburgh, James K. Moorhead, got involved and successfully pleaded first for a stay of execution and then for a pardon. Lincoln signed the pardon, and on 19 October 1864 the unexecuted portion of Private Peter Gilner's sentence was remitted and he was released from imprisonment. At some point Gilner then was transferred to the 155th P. V.

A New York Times article reported on 15 September 1878 that at a Company F reunion at Wildwood Grove, Castleshannon, a comrade, identified only as Patrick P., after heavily "partaking pretty freely of the refreshments," arose and confessed to having committed the crime for which Gilner had suffered. It was further reported that a committee of former officers would be form to lay the facts before the War Department. There is no follow-up to determine if the drunken confession had any merit or if the committee made a report. Gilner tried for over 40 years to get a pension, but was always denied. There is a record that he filed for an invalid pension in 1910 while he was living in Ohio. [Note there were no volunteers in the 62d whose first name was Patrick and last name began with the letter P.]

Peter Gilner is listed in the census of West Pittsburgh in both the 1860 and 1870 census. Peter F. Gilner, aged 69, born in Pennsylvania, is listed in Bridgeport, Belmont County, Ohio (across the river from Wheeling, W. Va.) in the 1910 census, with wife Isabella, and their son, Peter A., aged 36, plus two grandchildren. According to a note in the 155th P.V. regimental history, Gilner died in Pittsburgh.

William I. Graham

Discharged on surgeon's certificate, 30 December 1862

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: Age: 19; Occupation: Teamster; Residence: Pittsburgh, Pa.; Hair: Light; Eyes: Blue; Complexion: Light; Height: 5'6"; Remarks: S.C. of D. Rolls show middle initial as J.

Died 21 April 1902, according to Proceedings of the 37th Annual Encampment of the Department of Pennsylvania Grand Army of the Republic (Allentown, 1903).

George B. Gray

Mustered out with company, 13 July 1864.

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: Age: 20; Occupation: Blacksmith; Residence: Turtle Creek; Hair: Dark; Eyes: Gray; Complexion: Fair; Height: 5'11"

James Hagan

Drafted; mustered in 16 July 1863; transferred to 155th P.V. on 2 July 1864. Wounded in action, 15 May 1864. Transferred to Company C, 191st P.V., 2 June 1865.

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: [no personal information provided.]

William Hall

Substitute; mustered in 13 August 1863; deserted 13 October 1863

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: Age: 21; Occupation: Clerk; Residence: Pittsburgh, Pa.; Hair: Dark; Eyes: Hazel; Complexion: Fair; Height: 5'9 1/2 "; Remarks: Deserted 10-13-63 at Beverlys Ford, Va.

John A. Hammer

Died at Sharpsburg, Md. 25 October 1862.

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: [no personal information provided.]

John N. Hauch

Discharged on surgeon's certificate, 7 March 1862

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: Age: 45; Occupation: Shoemaker; Residence: Pittsburgh, Pa.; Hair: Brown; Eyes: Blue; Complexion: Fair; Height: 5'7"; Remarks: Discharged for S.C. of D. & old age.

Last name spelled Hanch in Bates. Father of Lewis Hauch. According to 1860 and 1870 Censuses, John N. Hauch was born in Prussia, and would have been 50, not 45, when he enrolled in Company F. Although he was listed as a shoemaker in 1870, in 1860 his occupation is listed as Boarding House.

Lewis Hauch

Mustered out with company, 13 July 1864.

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: Age: 19; Occupation: Druggist; Residence: Pittsburgh, Pa.; Hair: Dark; Eyes: Gray; Complexion: Fair; Height: 5'4"

Last name spelled Hanch in Bates. Son of John Hauch. According to 1860 and 1870 Censuses, Lewis Hauch was born in Pennsylvania, and would have been 16, not 19, when he enrolled in Company F. He was still living with his parents in 1870, and his occupation was first clerk and then US Store Keeper. He did have an older brother who was a druggist.

Frank Hansel

Absent, sick, at muster out.

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: Age: 18; Occupation: Carpenter; Residence: Pittsburgh; Hair: Light; Eyes: Blue; Complexion: Light; Height: 5'6"; Remarks: Sick in Hospital.

David Harley

Absent, sick, at muster out. [one of the 62d's first casualties.]

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: Age: 23; Occupation: Puddler; Residence: Pittsburgh, Pa.; Hair: Dark; Eyes: Gray; Complexion: Dark; Height: 5'9 1/4"; Remarks: Wounded in action at Hanover C. H. 5-27-62. Sick in hospital, not heard from since 6- -62.

Anson B. Harper

Wounded at Wilderness, 5 May 1864; absent, in hospital, at muster out.

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: Age: 18; Occupation: Brick Maker; Residence: Handcock County, Va.; Hair: Light; Eyes: Gray; Complexion: Dark; Height: 5'6 1/2"; Remarks: Wounded 5-5-64 in hospital at Alexandria, Va.

James M. R. Harris

Discharged on surgeon's certificate, 28 October 1862

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: Age at Enrollment: 20; Occupation: R.R. Brakeman; Residence: Allegheny City; Hair: Dark; Eyes: Blue; Complexion: Fair; Height: 5'6"

Squire H. Hayden

Substitute; mustered in 16 July 1863; deserted 26 May 1864. Transferred to Company G, 155th P.V., but never joined.

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: Age at Enrollment: 19; Occupation: Laborer; Residence: Fayette County; Hair: Sandy; Eyes: Gray; Complexion: Fair; Height: 5'8 1/4"; Remarks [from 62d card]: Deserted 5-26-64; [from 155th card]: Deserted 3/26/64 trans. from 62"P.V.

Based on the 1850 Census for Georges Township in Fayette County, Hayden's age at the time he mustered in would have been 15 or 16, not 19.

Henry Heinaman

Deserted 8 February 1862

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: [unable to locate card]

Patrick Henry

Mustered in 11 November 1863. Not on muster-out roll

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: Age: 27; Occupation: Shoemaker; Residence: (Born) Ireland); Hair: Dark; Eyes: Gray; Complexion: Light; Height: 5'5"; Remarks: Enlisted under circular from W. D. Provost Marshall. G. O. Washington, D. C.

Listed in Bates as Unassigned.

Charles E. Hubbs

Substitute; mustered in 14 July 1863; discharged on surgeon's certificate, 19 November 1863

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: [no personal information listed]

J. N. Jones

Deserted from Company B, 123d P. V.; returned and mustered into Company F, 19 November 1863; deserted again, 13 April 1864

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: Age: 32; Occupation: Shoemaker; Residence: Allegheny City; Hair: Black; Eyes: Gray; Complexion: Dark; Height: 6' 1/2"; Remarks: Enlisted in Company B. 123rd Regt. Deserted 11-8-62, near Smokers Gap, Va. Returned. Assigned to Company F. 62nd. Regt. 11-19-63 to serve 7 months. Deserted 4-13-64. Rolls spell name a Jones, John W.

May have deserted twice from the 62d. Records unclear.

Joseph Jordan

Discharged on surgeon's certificate, 5 March 1863

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: Age: 24; Occupation: Moulder; Residence: Pittsburgh; Hair: Black; Eyes: Blue; Complexion: Dark; Height: 5'8"

Arthur Kay

Died at Falmouth, Va., 19 December 1862, of wounds received in action [at Fredericksburg?].

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: Age: 22; Occupation: Wool Spinner; Residence: Allegheny County; Hair: Black; Eyes: Black; Complexion: Fair; Height: 5'5 1/2"; Remarks: Died 12-19-62 at Falmouth, Va., from wounds received in action.

David Keefer

Substitute. Mustered in 16 July 1863. Transferred to 155th P.V. on 2 July 1864. Sick in hospital, so never joined company. Transferred to Company A, 22nd Regiment, Veteran Reserve Corps. Discharged by general order 15 August 1865.

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: [no personal information listed]; Remarks: Rolls show last name as "KIEFER". Listed as "Kifer, David" on card for 155th.

Charles Kelly

Captured 27 November 1863. Mustered out with company, 13 July 1864.

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: Age: 22; Occupation: Puddler; Residence: Pittsburgh; Hair: Dark; Eyes: Hazel; Complexion: Dark; Height: 5'6"; Remarks: Taken Prisoner 11-27-63.

John Kelly

Mustered out with company, 13 July 1864.

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: [unable to locate card]

William T. Kelly

Mustered out with company, 13 July 1864.

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: Age: 18; Occupation: Clerk; Residence: Pittsburgh; Hair: Dark; Eyes: Brown; Complexion: Dark; Height: 5'4"

Christian H. King

Mustered in 29 February 1864. Transferred to Company G, 155th P.V., 2 July 1864. Transferred to Company C, 191st P. V., 2 June 1865.

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: [No personal information. The card for the Christian King of Company F, 62 P.V., indicates see card for the 155th. That card sends you to one for the 191st. The card for the 191st lists Christian H. King and no additional information.

Bates lists name as Christian King in Company F, and Christian H. King, in Unassigned Soldiers.

Invalid pension record for Christian H. King, filed 16 February 1866[?] indicates Company F, 62 Pa. Inf., Company G, 155 Pa. Inf., and Company C, 191 Pa. Inf.

Under the Maltese Cross, published in 1910, lists his address as Marietta, Ohio.

Jacob King

Mustered out with company, 13 July 1864.

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: Age at Enrollment: 20; Occupation: Moulder; Residence: Pittsburgh, Pa.; Hair: Fair; Eyes: Brown; Complexion: Fair; Height: 5' 4"

Philip Knorr

Mustered out with company, 13 July 1864.

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: Age at Enrollment: 18; Occupation: Striker; Residence: Pittsburgh, Pa.; Hair: Light; Eyes: Gray; Complexion: Light; Height: 5' 5 "

There is confusion about his name and service record. His veteran's card lists his surname as Knaur and places him in 63d P. V. Descendants inform me the family name is Knorr. He moved to Montana shortly after the war's end. He is buried in the Old Presbyterian Cemetery in Wolf Point, MT. The spelling of his last name on his tombstone confirms both Knorr and his service in Co. F, 62nd Pennsylvania. He was murdered in his home in 1920.

Thanks to Julian Nix and Dana Buckles for the post-war information about their ancestor.

John Kunkle

Drafted. Mustered in 16 July 1863. Transferred to Company G, 155th P.V., 2 July 1864. Promoted to corporal 15 March 1865. Discharged by general order 9 June 1865.

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866 [for 155th P.V.]: Age at Enrollment: 24; Mustered in at Westmoreland Co. [No additional information provided.]; Remarks: M. O. Supernumerary N. C. O.

John Leasure

Substitute; Died 21 July 1862 of wounds received in action [at Malvern Hill]; buried in Cypress Hill Cemetery, L.I.

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: [No personal information provided.]

William Lephart

Discharged on surgeon's certificate, 20 November 1863.

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: [No personal information provided.]

William H. Lewis

Killed while in gunboat service on Mississippi River, date unknown.

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: Age at Enrollment: 22; Occupation: Iron Worker; Residence: Pittsburgh, Pa.; Hair: Black; Eyes: Brown; Complexion: Dark; Height: 5' 7" Remarks: [repeats information about gun boat service, but provides no explanation how he got on a gun boat.]

David Little

Mustered out with company, 13 July 1864.

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: Age at Enrollment: 22; Occupation: Moulder; Residence: Pittsburgh, Pa.; Hair: Sandy; Eyes: Graye; Complexion: Light; Height: 5' 7"

Samuel M. Little

Killed at Gettysburg 2 July 1863; buried in Gettysburg National Cemetery, section D, Grave 75.

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: Age at Enrollment: 19; Occupation: Carver; Residence: Pittsburgh, Pa.; Hair: Black; Eyes: Gray; Complexion: Dark; Height: 5' 7 1/2 "

William B. Little

Substitute. Mustered in 18 July 1863. Transferred to Company G, 155th P.V., 2 July 1864. Discharged by general order 5 May 1865.

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866 [for 155th P.V.]: Age at Enrollment: 21 [No other personal information provided.] Remarks: See Co. G. Deserted 10=64 Pgh. Pa. Reported 5-10-69 under Pres. Proc. of 3-11-65. M. O. with loss of all pay & allowances due at date of desertion or that may have occured since in accordance with telegram dated 5-3-65.

William A. Lynch

Mustered out with company, 13 July 1864.

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: Age at Enrollment: 18; Occupation: Painter; Residence: Allegheny Co.; Hair: Dark; Eyes: Brown; Complexion: Fair; Height: 5' 4 "

Lynch may have been the regiment's top marksman. He was awarded a silver stadia. Military historian Fred Ray notes that "Normally made of brass, the stadia was a primitive range-finding instrument with scales on one side for cavalry and infantry on the other. I’ve never seen a reference to anyone actually using one (estimating by eye usually worked better and was much faster). Still, they were customarily given out as marksmanship prizes, such as to the best shot in the regiment. Silver ones like this were rare and were normally reserved for the army’s top shot."

Hugh Madison

Mustered out with company, 13 July 1864.

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: Age at Enrollment: 19; Occupation: Brickmaker; Residence: Pittsburgh, Pa.; Hair: Light; Eyes: Blue; Complexion: Fair; Height: 5' 7 1/2"

Died 10 March 1914, according to Proceedings of the 49th Annual Encampment of the Department of Pennsylvania Grand Army of the Republic (Easton, 1915).

Charles W. Martin

Mustered in 8 February 1862. Transferred to Company G, 155th P.V., 2 July 1864. Never joined company. Mustered out 8 February 1865.

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: Age at Enrollment: 20; Occupation: Carpenter; Residence: Allegheny County; Hair: Fair; Eyes: Gray; Complexion: Fair; Height: 5' 6 1/2"

Edward M. Martin

Mustered in 20 August 1861 at Harrisburg. Transferred to Company G, 155th P.V., 2 July 1864. Never joined company. Mustered out 21 August 1864.

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: Age at Enrollment: 21; Occupation: Brickmaker; Residence: Pittsburgh, Pa.; Hair: Light; Eyes: Blue; Complexion: Fair; Height: 5' 7"

John Masterson

Discharged on surgeon's certificate, 2 October 1862

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: Age at Enrollment: 35; Occupation: Glass Maker; Residence: East Birmingham, Pa.; Hair: Brown; Eyes: Blue; Complexion: Fair; Height: 5' 11 1/2"

Mustered in as Private, last served as Drum Major, according to "United States National Archives. Civil War Service Records [database on-line]."

James McCoy

Wounded during Peninsular Campaign as indicated by his being listed on the register of Sick and Wounded Prisoners of War from Pennsylvania Delivered on Parole at City Point, Va., July 19, 1862, signed by Jas. D. Cullen, Chief Surgeon of General Longstreet's Corps, C. S. A. Remarks indicated his wound was "Leg."

Wounded at Wilderness, 5 May 1864; absent, in hospital, at muster out.

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: Age: 21; Occupation: Farmer; Residence: Clarion Co.; Hair: Brown; Eyes: Blue; Complexion: Fair; Height: 5' 7 "; Remarks: Discharged at Pittsburgh, Pa. See Copy of Discharged on file. Wounded 5-5-64 (at Wilderness, Va.)

James McDavid

Discharged on surgeon's certificate, 7 February 1863.

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: Age at Enrollment: 19; Occupation: Tinner; Residence: West Pisstburgh, Pa.; Hair: Dark; Eyes: Gray; Complexion: Fair; Height: 5'5"

Son of William McDavid?

William McDavid

Discharged on surgeon's certificate, 29 August 1862.

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: Age at Enrollment: 45; Occupation: Laborer; Residence: West Pisstburgh, Pa.; Hair: Black; Eyes: Blue; Complexion: Dark; Height: 5'6"

Father of James McDavid?

George McDevitt

Transferred to gunboat service, 15 February 1862.

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: Age at Enrollment: 23; Occupation: Shoemaker; Residence: Philadelphia, Pa.; Hair: Black; Eyes: Brown; Complexion: Fair; Height: 5'7 1/2"; Remarks: On Gun Boat Service since 2-15-62. Rolls show last name as "McDeavitt".

John McFarland

Transferred to Company G, 155th P.V. on 2 July 1864 (Veteran volunteer). Missing in action at Hatcher's Run, 6 February 1865.

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: Age at Enrollment: 19; Occupation: Salesman; Residence: Allegheny City, Pa.; Hair: Light; Eyes: Blue; Complexion: Fair; Height: 5'4 1/2"; Remarks: Re-enlisted 3-23-64 at Licking Run, Va. Trans. 7-2-64 To 155th Rgt. P.V. Rolls show last name as "McFarlan".

Under the Maltese cross lists him as Missing in Action at Dabneys Mills, Va., 6 February 1865.

Patrick McFerren

Transferred to Veteran Reserve Corps, 2 June 1864.

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: Age at Enrollment: 24; Occupation: Riverman; Residence: Pittsburgh, Pa.; Hair: Dark; Eyes: Gray; Complexion: Dark; Height: 5'6 1/4"; Remarks: Rolls show last name as "McFerrin & McFarren. [Entry is under McFarran, Patrick]

Bates lists his last name as M'Ferran. Civil War Pension Index card confirms the spelling of his name as McFerren. His wife Margaret McFerren filed for a widow's pension on 31 March 1880.

John H. McKee

Mustered in 10 August 1863. Transferred to Company G, 155th P.V., 2 July 1864. Transferred to Company C, 191st P. V., 2 June 1865.

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: Age at Enrollment: 43; Occupation: Painter; Residence: Indiana County; Hair: Dark; Eyes: Hazel; Complexion: Light; Height: 5'5"; Remarks: Trans. 7-2-64 to 155th P.V. Enlisted under Gen. Order #191 & #216.

Also listed as John M'Kee in Unassigned Soldiers.

James Moore

Mustered out with company, 13 July 1864.

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: Age at Enrollment: 39; Occupation: Clerk; Residence: Pittsburgh; Hair: Light; Eyes: Blue; Complexion: Fair; Height: 5'8"

The 1890 Veterans Schedules indicates he was then living in East Brady, Clarion County. The note for "Disability Incurred" is illegible, but I think the second word is "wrist."

Joseph J. Morgan

Mustered out with company, 13 July 1864.

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: Age at Enrollment: 22; Occupation: Blacksmith; Residence: Pittsburgh; Hair: Dark; Eyes: Blue; Complexion: Dark; Height: 5'7 3/4"; Remarks: Pr. to Corp. (date unknown). Rolls show middle initial as I.

Thomas D. Morgan

Mustered out with company, 13 July 1864.

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: Age at Enrollment: 18; Occupation: Heater; Residence: Pittsburgh; Hair: Fair; Eyes: Brown; Complexion: Fair; Height: 5'7"

James T. Morton

Discharged on surgeon's certificate, 3 October 1862

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: Age at Enrollment: 36; Occupation: Tinner; Residence: Pittsburgh; Hair: Black; Eyes: Gray; Complexion: Dark; Height: 6'

Darby Murphy

Died 5 January 1863 of wounds received in action [at Fredericksburg?]; buried Military Asylum Cemetery, D.C.

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: Age at Enrollment: 19; Occupation: Farmer; Residence: Washington County; Hair: Brown; Eyes: Gray; Complexion: Dark; Height: 5'8"; Remarks: Died 1-5-63 at Wash. D.C. of wounds rec'd in action. (Buried in Militar Asy. Cem. D.C. Bates).

Robert C. Myers

Killed at Gaines Mill, 27 June 1862

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: Age at Enrollment: 34; Occupation: Tailor; Residence: East Liberty; Hair: Dark; Eyes: Brown; Complexion: Dark; Height: 5'11"; Remarks: Killed 6-27-62 at Gaines Hill, Va.

Thomas Neil

Drafted. Mustered in 22 July 1863. Transferred to Company G, 155th P.V., 2 July 1864. Transferred to Company C, 191st P. V., 2 June 1865.

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: No personal information provided, but by reference his name may have been Thomas Neill, Jr.

Patrick Noonan

Mustered out with company, 13 July 1864.

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866 [under Moonan, Patrick]: Age at Enrollment: 20; Occupation: Chandler; Residence: Pittsburgh; Hair: Light; Eyes: Gray; Complexion: Fair; Height: 5'4"; Remarks: Rolls show last name as "Noonan".

Last name listed in Bates as Moonan. Correct spelling as Noonan is indicated by several documents. Patrick Noonan of Company F was listed in the Special Veterans Schedule of the 1890 Census as living in the Soldiers and Sailors Home in Erie, Pa. A widow's pension for Patrick Noonan was filed by his widow Frances Noonan. Application was filed in August 1898. Only one Patrick Noonan is listed in Pittsburgh in the 1880 Census. He was married to Francis and is within a couple years of the age listed on the Veterans' Card File. This Patrick Noonan was born in Ireland.

H. N. G. Nutting

Transferred to Company I, 10 August 1861.

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: Age at Enrollment: 42; Occupation: Butcher; Residence: Brownsville, Pa.; Hair: Gray; Eyes: Blue; Complexion: Light; Height: 5' 7 1/2 "; Remarks: Sent to Hospital 5-6-62. Rolls show first name as Henry.

Edward O'Conner

Discharged on surgeon's certificate, 22 October 1862.

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: Age at Enrollment: 39; Occupation: Puddler; Residence: Pittsburgh.; Hair: Dark; Eyes: Gray; Complexion: Dark; Height: 5'7 1/2 ".

O'Conner was born in Antrim, Ireland.

Discharge papers signed by James C. Hull at Camp indicate O'Conner was discharged near Sharpsburg "by reason of Lumbago and Neuralgia of the Scalp and age."

James O'Donnell

Killed at Gaines Mill, 27 June 1862.

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: Age at Enrollment: 25; Occupation: Laborer; Residence: Port Perry, Pa.; Hair: Fair; Eyes: Blue; Complexion: Dark; Height: 5'7". Remarks: Rolls show last name as "O'Donald".

John O'Donnell

Mustered in 16 May 1864; not on muster out roll.

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: Age at Enrollment: 25; Occupation: Laborer; Residence: Clearfield County (Born) Ireland; Hair: Dark; Eyes: Hazel; Complexion: Ruddy; Height: 5'4".

Charles Osborne

Substitute; mustered in 2 September 1863; deserted 13 October 1863

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: Age at Enrollment: 31; Occupation: Boatman; Residence: New York; Hair: Dark; Eyes: Gray; Complexion: Dark; Height: 6' 3 5/8 ": Remarks: Deserted 10-13-63 at Beverlys Ford, Va.

Robert Otterson

Killed at Gettysburg 2 July 1863.

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: Age at Enrollment: 18; Occupation: Tinner; Residence: Alllegheny County; Hair: Dark; Eyes: Brown; Complexion: Fair; Height: 5' 6"

Joseph Pohler

Missing in action at Wilderness, 5 May 1864.

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: Age at Enrollment: 27; Occupation: Machinist; Residence: Allegheny County; Hair: Black; Eyes: Black; Complexion: Fair; Height: 5'9"; Remarks: Missing in action since 5-5-64, (at Wilderness -Bates)

William Prince

Discharged on surgeon's certificate, 20 June 1862

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: Age at Enrollment: 22; Occupation: Shoemaker; Residence: Lewistown, Pa.; Hair: Light; Eyes: Blue; Complexion: Fair; Height: 5'7"; Remarks: Discharged S.C. of D. Rolls show last name as "PRINTZ".

William Ray

Discharged on surgeon's certificate, 22 March 1862

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: Age at Enrollment: 22; Occupation: Riverman; Residence: Monongahela City; Hair: Brown; Eyes: Gray; Complexion: Fair; Height: 5'10 1/2"; Remarks: Discharged S.C. of D. Rolls show middle initial "H".

John Riley

Mustered in 26 March 1864; deserted 12 May 1864

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: [unable to locate card]

John N. Rothrock

Discharged on surgeon's certificate, 31 March 1863

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: Age at Enrollment: 32; Occupation: Blacksmith; Residence: Pittsburgh; Hair: Dark; Eyes: Gray; Complexion: Dark; Height: 5'5"; Remarks: Discharged S. C. of D. Rolls show last name as "Ratrock".

John C. Sample

Captured at Gaines Mill, 27 June 1862, as evidenced by Private J.C. Semple being listed on register of Prisoners Received at C. S. Prison [Richmond?] on June 27th and 29th, 1862. Listed as "Sumple, John C." on the register of Sick and Wounded Prisoners of War from Pennsylvania Delivered on Parole at City Point, Va., July 19, 1862, signed by Jas. D. Cullen, Chief Surgeon of General Longstreet's Corps, C. S. A. Remarks indicated his wound was "Leg."

Discharged for promotion, 10 March 1863. Promoted to 2d Lieutenant, 139th P. V., Company C, 11 March 1863. Promoted to 1st Lieutenant, Company C, 6 July 1864. Promoted to Captain of 139th P. V., Company I, 4 February 1865. Promoted to Brevet Major of regiment, 2 April 1865. Wounded at Petersburg, 2 April 1865. Discharged to date 15 May 1865.

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: Age at Enrollment: 20; Occupation: Brass Moulder; Residence: Allegheny County; Hair: Light; Eyes: Blue; Complexion: Fair; Height: 5'7 1/2"

John E. Savage

Captured at Gaines Mill, 27 June 1862, as evidenced by Private Edw. Saage [sic] being listed on register of Prisoners Received at C. S. Prison [Richmond?] on June 27th and 29th, 1862, with remark "Dead."

Bates indicates "Captured; Died at Richmond, Va, 10 July 1862."

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: Age at Enrollment: 18; Occupation: Spike Maker; Residence: Pittsburgh; Hair: Fair; Eyes: Gray; Complexion: Fair; Height: 5'6"

George Seitz

Wounded and captured at Gaines Mill, 27 June 1862, as evidenced by Private George W. Seas being listed on register of Prisoners Received at C. S. Prison [Richmond?] on June 27th and 29th, 1862. Mustered out with company, 13 July 1864.

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: Age at Enrollment: 44; Occupation: Butcher; Residence: Pittsburgh; Hair: Dark; Eyes: Gray; Complexion: Fair; Height: 5'6"

The 1890 Veterans Schedule indicates his home then was Greendale in Cowanshannock Township, Armstrong County. Under disabilities, "Wounded at Cold Harbor" is listed [First Cold Harbor is an alternate name for Gaines Mill].

Gerhard Seamon, aka Garrett Seymour

Mustered out with company, 13 July 1864.

Also served in Company G of 7th U. S. Veterans Volunteer Infantry. Used alias Garrett Seymour while in 62d Pennsylvania. Married Julia Seamon. Died 5 August 1907. Buried in Zimmerman (Birmingham) Cemetery, Pittsburgh.

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: Age at Enrollment: 18; Occupation: Coal Digger; Residence: Alleghaeny County; Hair: Light; Eyes: Light; Complexion: Fair; Height: 5'6 1/2"

John Shaffer

Mustered in 8 December 1863. Transferred to Company G, 155th P.V., 2 July 1864. Wounded at Peeble's Farm. Discharged by general order, 2 June 1865.

Joseph Sherman [also listed as Sherran]

Killed at Gettysburg 2 July 1863; buried in Gettysburg National Cemetery, section C, Grave 30.

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: Age at Enrollment: 20; Occupation: Nail Feeder; Residence: Pittsburgh; Hair: Light; Eyes: Blue; Complexion: Fair; Height: 5' 7 3/4"

Samuel Siddons

Mustered out with company, 13 July 1864.

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: Age at Enrollment: 18; Occupation: Glass Presser; Residence: Pittsburgh; Hair: Dark; Eyes: Blue; Complexion: Dark; Height: 5'5"

Matthew Sinnott

Discharged on surgeon's certificate, 29 August 1862

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: Age at Enrollment: 31; Occupation: Gardner; Residence: Pittsburgh; Hair: Dark; Eyes: [not listed]; Complexion: Fair; Height: 5'2"; Remarks: Discharged S.C. of D.

Peter Siveeney

Wounded at Cold Harbor, 3 June 1864; absent, in hospital, at muster out.

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: Age at Enrollment: 18; Occupation: Apt. Engineer; Residence: Pittsburgh; Hair: Dark; Eyes: Gray; Complexion: Dark; Height: 5'7"; Remarks: Wounded 6-3-64 (at Cold Harbor absent at M.O. -Bates).

Sebastian Smith

Substitute; mustered in 28 August 1863. Transferred to Company F, 155th P.V., 2 July 1864.

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866 [from F- 155 I card]: Age at enrollment: 25 [no additional information listed] Remarks: D. L. for'd Trans. from 62nd. P. V. 7-2-64. Wounded 5-12-64

Not listed in Bates. From Butler County and killed in action on 12 May 1864, according to History of Butler County Pennsylvania (1883).

William B. Smith

Drafted; mustered in 29 August 1863. Transferred to Company G, 155th P.V., 2 July 1864. Transferred to Company C, 191st P. V., 2 June 1865.

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: [No personal information listed]

William C. Smith

Deserted 1 October 1862

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: Age at Enrollment: 18; Occupation: Tinner; Residence: Allegheny County; Hair: Light; Eyes: Gray; Complexion: Fair; Height: 5'7"; Remarks: Deserted 10-1-62. Rolls show middle initial as M.

John V. Spalman

Discharged on surgeon's certificate, 24 October 1862

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: Age at Enrollment: 22; Occupation: Stove Fitter; Residence: Pittsburgh; Hair: Brown; Eyes: Gray; Complexion: Dark; Height: 5'7"; Remarks: Discharged S.C. of D.

Died 18 August 1898, according to Proceedings of the 31st Annual Encampment of the Department of Pennsylvania Grand Army of the Republic (Wilkes-Barre, 1899), where is surname is listed as Spahman.

Robert Stewart

Mustered in 11 April 1864. Transferred to Company G, 155th P.V., 2 July 1864. Transferred to Company C, 191st P. V., 2 June 1865.

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: No card for 62d service. Card for 191st is blank.

Christian Swan

Died at Baltimore, Md., 25 August 1862 of wounds received in action (probably at Gaines' Mill or Malvern Hill). Listed on register of Paroled Prisoners of War Transferred to Hospital Tranport "Knickerbocker" from City Point, Va., July 22, 1862.

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: Age at Enrollment: 18; Occupation: Tinner; Residence: Pittsburgh; Hair: Light; Eyes: Blue; Complexion: Fair; Height: 5'6 1/2"; Remarks: Died 8-25-62 at Baltimore Md. from wounds.

John G. Thomas

Died 13 May 1864 of wounds received in action (probably at the Wilderness or Spottsylvania).

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: [no personal information included]

William Vandever

Drafted. Mustered in 14 July 1863. Deserted 13 April 1864

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: [no personal information included]

August Viethorn

Mustered out with company, 13 July 1864.

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: Age at Enrollment: 21; Occupation: Shoe Maker; Residence: Pittsburgh; Hair: Light; Eyes: Gray; Complexion: Fair; Height: 5'4"

Robert Walker

Discharged on surgeon's certificate, 5 November 1862.

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: Age at Enrollment: 28; Occupation: Engine Builder; Residence: Pittsburgh; Hair: Light; Eyes: Blue; Complexion: Light; Height: 5'8"

James E. Weaver

Substitute; mustered in 10 July 1863; discharged on surgeon's certificate, 18 November 1863.

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: [No personal information provided.]

Sargent Weed

Transferred to U.S. Army, date unknown.

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: Age at Enrollment: 34; Occupation: Glass Blower; Residence: Cookstown [Fayette County], Pa.; Hair: Dark; Eyes: Gray; Complexion: Dark; Height: 5'6" Remarks: Discharged from Gun Boat service and enlisted in U.S. Regulars (date unknown). Rolls show first name as Sargeant.

U.S. Civil War Soldiers, 1861-1865 Database (part of Ancestry) indicates Weed served aboard the Gun Boat "Judge Torrence." Judge Torrence was a steamer purchased by the War Department 10 February 1862 for use as an ordnance ship in the Western Gunboat Flotilla organized by the Army on the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers soon after the outbreak of the Civil War, but transferred to the Navy 30 September 1862. Those dates may narrow the range of time Weed might have served aboard her.

There are inconsistancies in Weed's name and age. In the 1850 census his name is spelled "Sargeant," and his age is listed as 22. In the 1860 census his name is spelled "Sargent," and his age is listed as 52. The same wife, Adeliza, and son, John William, are the same in both censuses. Widow's Pension Index Card, filed 12 May 1879 by Adeliza Evans, indicates Weed (first name spelled "Sargent") served in Companies B & E, 14th U.S. Infantry, but omits his service in the 62d.

John R. Weisenborn

Mustered out with company, 13 July 1864.

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: Age at Enrollment: 18; Occupation: Brewer; Residence: Pittsburgh; Hair: Dark; Eyes: Brown; Complexion: Fair; Height: 5'8 3/4 " Remarks: Rolls show name as "WIESENBORN, JOHN R."

Mustered in (as a substitute) as a private on 2 March 1865 for Company Detachment, 101st Infantry Regiment Pennsylvania. Discharged from Company Detachment on 3 May 1865.

Name is spelled "J. R. Weosenborn" in Bates. Spelled Weisenborn on Pension File Card, filed by widow Elizabeth, from Pennsylvania, dates to blurred to be identified.

May be the John Wissenburn listed in the 1850 Census, then aged 9 and living with his mother Margaret and other female family members in Pittsburgh's 3rd Ward. If so, his mother was born in Germany, but he was born in Ohio.

Henry K. White

Transferred to Veteran Reserve Corps, 2 July 1864.

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: Age at Enrollment: 24; Occupation: Clerk; Residence: East Liberty, Pa.; Hair: Fair; Eyes: Blue; Complexion: Fair; Height: 5'2 3/4 " Remarks: Trans. 7-2-64 to V. R. C.

Bates indicates date unknown for the transfer.

Peter Wilson

Mustered in 9 December 1863; not on muster out roll.

Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866: Age at Enrollment: 37 [no additional personal information provided].

I believe a clerical error was made, and Peter Wilson was listed as mustering in to both Company F and Company L. Since the Company F record was inaccurate, his name did not appear in the muster out roll. I base my speculation on the unlikelihood that two men named Peter Wilson, both aged 37, would have enlisted on the very same day for two different companies.

Not on muster-out roll indicates fate had not been determined at the close of the war, at which time these rolls were made out. Oddly, no soldiers from this company are listed as having died before first battle. This was unusually, since typhoid fever became rampant during the fall and winter of 1861/62 while the regiment was stationed at Minor's Hill, Va.

The Veteran Reserve Corps, originally called the Invalid Corps, was the military body to which soldiers were transferred when they were not healthy enough to be sent back to their original unit, but not sick or disabled enough to be sent home.


Bates, Samuel Penniman. History of Pennsylvania Volunteers, 1861-5. Volume III & VIII. Harrisburg: B. Singerly, state printer, 1869-71. Available online through Making of America.

Digital Archives of the State of Pennsylvania. Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866.

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This page authored and maintained by John R. Henderson (jhenderson @ icyousee . org), Lodi, NY.
Last modified: 19 September 2023
URL: http://www.icyousee.org/pa62d/fp.html