Pennsylvania 62nd Infantry RegimentJohn Henderson's Letter Home |
Dear Brother I received your letters a day or two ago and now ... myself to
answer them. ...paper but what I ...make the ... both of you ,,, would
first say here that ... ought not to ... a light cold but I am getting better of it. We had considerable of marching to do since I wrote to you last. We broke camp on Thursday two weeks ago and our Corps went to Raccoon Ford on the Rapidan River and stayed around there most all day and then towards night we returned to our old camp but had orders not put up our own tents as we would march again in a short time ... and got what rest and sleep we could for time[?] allowed that we some hard marching. We were aroused [?] about 3 o'clock get some breakfast and started the march about daylight. This was the first indication[?] we were going to fall back we had but an easy day's march this day and crossed the Rhapahannock River some time before dark. Then the next day we had to cross back again and follow up the Cavalry that was fighting the Rebs Cavalry, we went out as far as Brandy Station and stayed out there until about ? oclock that night. we marched back and crossed the river a short time before daylight. then that day we marched back to ... We stopped for the night the day we marched all day and ... all night and camped about 3 o'clock in the morning about 1/2 [or 12] mile from Centerville. We got shelled some in the afternoon by the Rebs but no one of us ... hurt. The next day we marched to Fairfax stayed there that night and marc-hed back to Centerville stayed there a day and then
marched back to Fairfax Oct 26th |
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This page authored and maintained by John R. Henderson (jhenderson @
icyousee . org), Lodi, NY.
Last modified: 1 June 2014
URL: http://www.icyousee/pa62d/letterhome.html